Wednesday 26 February 2014

So first you should be very patient with this and try not to do anything too stupid and get yourself in trouble.Keep in mind that this does not come instantly, it comes over years of practice.


1. Learn how to code. Learning how to code in C++ is a good start. Find a good C++ website

2 Learn how to use the command prompt. The command prompt is one of the most important things to become a hacker. It will help a lot if you learn this early on.

3 Act like a hacker. Being a hacker doesn't necessarily make you a computer nerd, so don't act like one. Showing off to your friends is nice and all but really talking about it 24/7 makes you lame and socially awkward. So don't make hackers look lame. Just be cool about it

How To Learn Ethical Hacking

4 When you learn how to program, the best thing to hack is yourself. Doing so can help you keep your system safe and help you learn how to hack other systems.

How To Learn Ethical Hacking

5 Communicate with other hackers. Doing so may help you get a good reputation amongst the hackers society and if you are lucky they might just teach you a few things while you are there.